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Click for more info on AE3-BM

Model AE3-BM
Bench Model Test System

The Model AE3-BM is a desktop sized system

Click for more info on AE3-CM

Model AE3-CM
Console Model Test System

The Model AE3-CM is a large full desk sized system

Bench model vs. Console model

  • Both models are available to perform the same tests
  • The console model includes a desk sized extruded aluminum cabinet
  • The bench model system uses a custom tooling insert for each radius of needle to be tested
  • The console model uses a video camera system for needle alignment
  • The bench model is significantly more portable and typically a more cost effective solution

Machine test capabilities

Both machines have the same capabilities for testing needles. Custom system software controls the motion of all powered vertical and rotary stages while also collecting data from the force sensors during needle testing. The system software is user friendly, with little training required to perform accurate, reliable, and repeatable tests.